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کارگاه آموزش قراردادنویسی فارسی دوره پایه در دانشکده حقوق دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی در تاریخهای ۱۷-۱۸ اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۳ برگزار شد. اطلاعات بیشتر
کارگاه آموزش جامع قراردادنویسی فارسی در تاریخهای ۰۳-۰۴-۰۵ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ برگزار می شود. اطلاعات بیشتر برای ثبت نام
کارگاه آموزش قراردادنویسی به زبان انگلیسی در تاریخهای ۲۹-۳۰-۳۱ شهریورماه ۱۴۰۳ برگزار می شود. اطلاعات بیشتر

Contract Law Books

contract law books
  • Contract Law Australian Edition

Ewan McKendrick-Qiao Lu

  • Legal Writing and Contract Drafting

Rodney D Ryder

  • Techniques of Drafting Commercial Contracts

Ewan McKenrick

  • Introduction to Legal Writing and Contract Drafting

Tikus Little

  • The Law of Contract

Pamela R.‎ Tepper

  • Drafting of Contracts

Ravi Singhania

  • Practice Guide to drafting Commercial Contracts

Bhumesh Verma

  •   A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting

Kenneth A.‎ Adams 

  • The Law of Contracts

John D.‎ McCamus

  • Elements of Contract Drafting

George W.‎ Kuney

  • Contract Drafting and Negotiation

Paul A.‎ Swegle

  • Contract Law

Avtar Singh

  • Foundations of Contract Law

Richard Craswell-Alan Schwartz

  • A Practical Guide to Drafting Contracts

Cynthia M.‎ Adams/Peter K.‎ Cramer

  • Drafting and Analyzing Contract

Scott J.‎ Burnham

  • The Law of Contract
  • Law of Contract

Rajni Mathotra Dhingra

  • Implied Terms in English Contract Law

Richard Austen-Baker

  • Drafting and Negotiating Commercial Contracts

Mark Anderson/Victor Warner

  • Standard Business Contracts

Dirk Deschrijver/mark Taeymans/Olivier Vanden Berghe

  • Simple Contract Law

Mark Watson-Gandy

  • Construction Contracts Law

John J.‎ P.‎ Krol

  • Textbook on Contract and Specific Relief

Varun Malik

  • Drafting Successful Access and Benefit-Sharing Contracts

Tomme Rosanne Young/Morten Walloe Tvedt

  • Contract Law for Dummies

Scott J.‎ Burnham

  • Contract Law

Akhilehwar Pathak

  • Contract Law in New Zealand

Stephen Todd/Jeremy Finn

  • Chinese Contract Law

Mo Zhang

  • Law of Contract

Dato' Seri Dr Visu Sinnadurai

  • Anson's Law of Contract

J.‎ Beatson, A.‎ Burrows, J.‎ Cartwright

  • Principles of Contract Law

Richard Stone

  • Contract Law

Yin, Kozlina, Green, Siliquinin-Cinelli, Laryea and Spagnolo

  • Contract Law

Catherne Elliott & Frances Quinn

  • Contract Law

Ewan Mckendrick

  • Studies in Contract Law

Edward J.‎ Murphy, Richard E.‎ Speidel, Lan Ayres

  • Contract Law and Practice

Michael H.‎ Whincup

  • Contract Law

Michael Pugh

  • Contract Law

Haider Khan

  • French Law of Contract

Barry Nicholas

  • Contract Law

Mindy Chen-Wishart